Friday, November 18, 2005

Dryers Dead as a Doornail

Quick blog...

Hmmmm, random thoughts...cept I have a few planned. I like color. I am visual. I am cold here in the basement.

Our dryer is dead. We got one for free cause our original dryer died, than the 2nd one we got died, or it was dead on arrival, than my parents boutht a $50 lived a little, one night but it screamed(sqeeked VERY HIGH PITCHED SQUEEK!) in agony, than the next day it was dead. Stupid things! My parents didn't even get there $50 bucks out of it. And I have a pile of laundry that I'd like to! can't live without it!

Last night we had some auditions for the play because one of the girls won't be at the auditions for Sunday. I got to read Jennifer's part and so did all the other girls that were there. Which was 3 beside's me. Jennifer's the one that get's married. It's a longish part...I have trouble some memorizing, it takes me awhile to get something. I'll even switch the phrases around as I'm learning it, not on purpose... If I don't get her I know another part I could try out for, a mother.:) I've always wanted to be a mother...actually I don't know have I've gotten older I've wanted to be one:) We will see won't we.

Tomorrow is the BIG day. We're going to the Battle Cry training conference. Nine of us are meeting at the church at 7am in the morning. Krista and I may spend the night closer or we'll drive up EARLY in the morning.

A bit of advice, when you drive on Browntown road to visit us... be careful especially in the morning and at night when it's dark , that 's when the deer roam. Sorry we don't have antelope. But I could elope...we'll I guess by myself at this point. Actually that'd be running away, but since I'm old enough to leave it'd actually be leaving...and I'm never going to marry myself even if I get really desperate, I heard of a lady that did that. I am rambling.......

Anyways, tonight is Friday night, so Shabbat Shalom ya'll! Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

Hey Marie! I tried to call you tonight but first you weren't home and then no one answered. Well, hope things are going good for you. I'll try to update you on how things are going for me, but feel free to visit my xanga: Have a good one and we'll chat soon:-)

Tara said...

LOL! whats an antelope? sounds big...and scary...