Monday, August 14, 2006

Karen Camps

This will be a quickie post. I have to meet up with AMERICANS in 5 mins. A group of americans have been here since THursday, they leave tomorrow:( They were here to see what the Organizations I"m working with is doing in B____ and Thailand.

We went into B_____ the other day. It was fun.... and quite a walk. We ended up riding a long boat across.

Yesterday we went to Mai Lay, a refugee camp the largest in Asia. This camp is where most of our kids come from. It's also where Ebenezer our male staff has lived for 14 years before working at the school for 2.

It's just very differnt how they live! So close together too and they live in huts, it looks like nifty club houses that you'd make for your kid, or kinda like swiss family robinson.... without the furniture...

There were hundreds of houses built on the side of a mountain, surrounded by very lush trees...and we had to walk up the big hill to get to the church service. There was some slippery mud we had to get through...we had like 3 people fall... it's not always easy to walk in. I wore my wonderful rain boots I bought here. They are great for Karen camps!

Pray for me as I get back into the swing of things as the Americans leave and Gods direction and peace as I look toward the future. I don't know how and where GOd is leading through this opportunity.

Gotta run. Thanks for all ya'll's support.

Oh yeah I was glad to see where my kids came from.

Take care:)


Anonymous said...

I love you and am proud of your work for God. You are brave and awsome! Please remember to send the suit over with the Americans. I tried to call you several times but didn't get you. Glad you could do some things with the USA people. I pray for you. Love, Mom

melrandall said...

Thanks for another report, Marie! Keep at it-- I know you're doing big things for God just by being there and being willing. Someday we'll see the fruit! I love you and am praying for you.

Mrs. RF said...

Thanks for the update! Blessings on you, and lots of prayers are being sent your way.

Anonymous said...

journey Hi Marie! I am here at Heidi’s for a visit. I came Aug. 2 and I am returning home tomorrow the 12th. Your Mom gave us your E-Mail and Heidi has a computer so thought I would try to write you a little. If you write a letter and send us a letter with your address then we could write a letter once in a while since we do not have a computer. Lorynn's Birthday party is tomorrow, even though she won't be 11 until the 24th. I will miss it because I will leave here around 8:15 because I have to be there 2 hrs, ahead of the flight at about 11am. It’s back to work on Mon. I work approximately 6 hrs. a day, and 4 days a week. Oct. 1st will be 20 years for me! Heidi printed out some of your E-Mail and I will take it with me and read it on the plane. Grandpa is doing quite well except his memory is very bad. It is hard to believe that he is 79 now. WOW! Just to keep you a little up to date Devon will be 8 in Oct. To keep my fingers busy I crocheted a sweater for Jaedan’s 2nd Birthday. Excuse my mistakes I rarely type and I should go and get things packed up. God bless you richly and give you wisdom and help to make your time there a success and a big blessing! Love, Gramma Sandford

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Still prayin' for ya'...

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,
Guess who this is? Thankyou for the great blogs. They are awsome!! I haven't seen my Elvis suit yet; maybe tomorrow. Hope you are writing a personal journal. You are quite an amazing world traveler! God is using you in big ways! "The Lord bless you and keep you. And make his face shine upon you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peaches!!(Oops.) Love, Daddy
You are a very special girl to me!