Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thailand-Another Journey

Just updating. I haven't posted for here I am now. Right now I'm listening to the sound track from "Phantom of the Opera."

I'm at home by myself tonight. Adam's going to an eye doc. Krista's with some friends. She got her grad. pics taken today by a girl friend.

Well I got my airplane ticket for Thailand today...may need some adjustments. But I am goin'. Crazy huh! What I know at this point is that I'll be teaching Art 2 days a week. The other days I believe I'll be teaching something else. At least one other class. Maybe ESL...English as a Second language. I won't know for sure what I'm doing until I start doing it.

Flyin' in I'll get a 30 day tourist visa when they stamp my passport....than on day 27 I need to watch the border between Burma and make sure I'll be able to cross into Burma on day 29 to get my passport stamped again so that I get another 30 days in Thailand. I won't be in Burma much at all. It's a repressed nation! Bad for Christians! It's just that there's a bridge that's close by with offices on both sides of it where I can get my stamps.

Let me tell ya a bit about Thailand. It's right under China. Near Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam. It's a Buddist nation mostly...even the government is Buddist. They have a law against proseletizing but it's not enforced strongly. I'm not suppose to touch the monks...better even be careful about brushing up against one, even just doing shopping....I guess I could get in trouble if I do...yikes!

They eat alot of rice...their money to ours is 39 baht to one of our dollars. Our money goes farther than theirs.

I've been on the computar a long time so I'll keep this blog short:)

Just a litte update...

By the way I'll be leaving July 5th. And at this point I'm thinking I'll be there like 3 months. Man...yikes the reality of it was just hitting's scary...but I know I'll like it.

If you want to pray for me about it here are some things you can pray about:

1. Protection flying over and back, and when I'm there...physical protection against sickness and accidents...
(on my mission trips sometimes things happen to my physical person that make it harder...God does use it... BAD poison ivy, sickness...wierd stuff)
2. Creativity in teaching/lesson plans
3. Smooth adjustment to culture quirks, the food etc...
4. That I'll love the kids the way they need to be loved... that I'll be the "mother" figure to them that God wants me to be-to love them with God loving them through me
5. That I'll accomplish over there everything that God wants me to
6. God's guidance for the future( I consider it when over there)

Let me know if you prayed for me and if you want to pray for me regularly when I'm there. I'd appreciate daily prayers. These are God's children and it seems sometimes when you go on mission trips...(plus this is my first mission trip that I've basically put together, and AM putting together, with alot of help...but before I was joining a group of people and I just provided the money to pay my way and did what they said...this is different.) you're more in the battle spiritually sometimes to an extent...

Thanks for listening.:)


Mrs. RF said...

Will be praying each day for you. Lord bless you in all the prep work, trip, and blessing others while you are there.

Marie said...

Thanks! I appreciate that! Prayer is so important on mission trips...(and in life too:))

drewey fern said...

I'll pray too, Marie! I'm so glad that you get to go! God bless you as you look ahead to it, too - usually that's the scariest part of all potentially scary things... I don't think you'll have a problem loving the kids, that's for sure! I think God has given you a special heart for things like this, and I'm believing that He'll be working through you. Love you!

Claire said...

Marie, I'm so excited for you! This is such a wonderful opportunity. Yay for you and God- making things happen. Will you be blogging from Thailand? I'd love to hear reports on how it's going and that way it will be a good reminder for me to remember to pray for you regularly.

Cara said...

I'll be praying for you, Marie.

Marie said...

Thank you you guys! Yeah I believe I will be blogging in Thailand about my time. They have like a doz. computars there for the kids...american bought computars! With internet connection!

Yes Drew, I think the anticipation is probable worse than when I actually do what I'm gonna do... and too the "Burma Crossing" won't really be that bad.... part of the "concern" with that is doin' it on time...gettin' it taken care of ya know!?

Thanks for the moral and spiritual support you guys! Love me

melrandall said...

Add me in, too! I'll be praying...

This is so exciting!!! You're actually going! Maybe I'll swing by and visit; it sounds so tempting. Blessings on you, dear friend!

Marie said...

Jim's bringing a group of people over there for like 8 days, Mel. you should join 'em:) thanks you guys! Pray especially when God brings me to your mind during that time, maybe I'm needing extra prayer or somethin'! Love you all!

ethan demme said...

will be praying for you

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

I'll pray too.