Monday, December 04, 2006

soo tired...set to paint....

I am soo tired.....and I have alot of set to paint. I need some motivation... ahhh...if you read this please pray for me. Pray that I'll get alot of help. I've just been extra tired lately. Need better discipline to get to bed and too we had play practices Saturday, all day and on Sunday after church. Got some painting done that day!

The play is calle "The Christmas Carol." I'm Mrs. Fezziwig, I have one line! to ya all later. I'm all adjusted since Thailand...I have missed the kids a number of times.

Merry Christmas! Ya'll!

p.s. I'm turning 25 on Jan. 26! Isn't that crazy! I like that age already. Sounds grown up!;)


lis said...

Praying! I know what the not-sleeping thing is like! :O)

melrandall said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Marie! Sorry we haven't connected in quite a while... I miss you!

How did the play go? Reminds me of painting set in high school for a Charlie Brown segment in a play medley thing we did. It's crazy how much work goes into those things!