Update. Hey folks out there. Did ja'all have a good Thanksgivin'? I did. We were here at home with Adam. He flew down. My dad and I went to the Dullus Airport, and picked him up Monday evening.
I enjoy people watching at airports. Quite interesting:)
We spent alot of time Thursday making and setting up for the big meal. We had Turkey, and waldorf salad(which I didn't have any of), stuffed celery, even some ham left over from Krista's b-day(we don't have it much), um...sweet potatoe, and mashed potatoe, and corn, stuffing:), gravy...store bought rolls....some sort of grape drink and we made I'd say at least 7 pies:) It's a family tradition to make alot of pies.
Some of the pies we had were, Apple Pie made by moi, chocalate silk pie, by Adam("yummy:)" if I say so myself), Cheesecake, by Krista, Pecan Pie, by Adam, etc...
Before we ate we were sitting around the table with the feast laid out before us. The candles creating a homey ambiance.
We went around and each of us said things we were thankful for. There was a level of maturity in the exchange... we're all older now. Krista being 17... God's done some big stuff in our lives this year. He really has...and He still is doing big stuff in our family! Our God is active and dynamic. And He doesn't want to leave us where we are. He wants to grow us into whole people...so that we live abundant life....that's one of the things salvation is allllll about!
Some of the things we were thankful for and I am thankful for:
Of couse our family
Krista was thankful for how our relationship is getting closer
How God worked in her heart
I said I was thankful about not going to Hawaii
How God has been working in our family
Our Church family...it's such a great church
My job this summer
God's protection in connection to the job, I'd say within 30 days time I had 4 bad incidences with cars...hitting a deer, driving into the back of a vehicle, and 2 different vehicles dying on me! ahhhhhhhhh!:)
My friends
The relationship God and I have
Special times I've had with Him...more of the revalation of His loving...tender heart to me
God taking Shania out of our family...and how it actually played out, the day she left coulda been so much more climatic...
My niece and nephew
My friend Melody, (used to be Melody C----) happily married and with child with her first! Ahhh!
Hope for a future:)
The Bible
So there's my belated Thanksgiving list...cept in some ways it's not belated cause it's good to give thanks anytime!
So about this whole Christmas play thing. My word! it played on my nerves so much this last week. Ugh! Anyways on Sunday, when we had the auditions, we were told that we'd hear on Tuesday, this last Tuesday, which part we got....it kept on being put off. And finally I believe it was Friday night we found out! *sigh*
I didnt' get the part I had my heart set on. It woulda been a stressful part to have, one reason being there's sooo many lines.
I actually ended up being Mrs. Baer(think Proffessor Baer in Little Woman...cept no relation at all...as far as I know) anyways I think i have a total of 6 lines:) Not too bad.
I'm also involved with Set Design and the actual putting it and painting it together. We have a guy working with us who has some really good ideas! We had a meeting today, 4 of us, going through the play and discussing what we need for sets.
I am also the stage manager. I like having that job, cause of how important it is:) Should be interesting. I'll learn as I go along. Never done it before. The play is I think, Dec 17th and 18th, not very far away. Let cha know how it goes.
Tomorrow I'm going into a public school to talk to the principle. I'm looking into getting a part time job in the cafateria(sp?). I'd help kids with opening milk cartons, and lunch boxes and after each session wipe down the tables. The principle said it gets really loud in there. Hey maybe I'll even sit with some of the kids and chill:) Hmmm, wonder if I'd be aloud to? Doesn't pay much but it's a start:) Than on Wednesday, Nov. 30th, at 10:30 I have an interview about Sub. May actually be a good thing to tell them I'm moving in the direction of workin' in one of their cafeterias. I think this whole sub. job will take time to get into. They have like orientation.... whatever that is and I don't know when...so if I get the sub job,( pray I do if it's God's will) than I'm guessing I'd start in January.
I bought a winter coat tonight. Not totally sure if I'm gonna keep it. It hits mid thigh. It's a deep red wool material. Very pretty color. I like true reds. :) I'm actually wearing it right now:) I was thinking the other day that I wanted a jacket this length. Before I went into the store I prayed that I'd find a coat...this was like the first coat I saw/ picked up and I liked it! It does need a lint rollar. It is brand new. I got it at Gabe's. A store that sells other stores messed up, or excess products etc... so the prices are cheaper than originally.
Boy I am tired........hmmmm.........
I think I'm running out of blogging steam.
I am also thankful for the whole world of blogging:) My little bloggin community:) Have a great week all. It's 12:11 am...so it's Monday morning...i am tired, night! and have a great week!
How do you like the Autumnal colors!:)
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Dryers Dead as a Doornail
Quick blog...
Hmmmm, random thoughts...cept I have a few planned. I like color. I am visual. I am cold here in the basement.
Our dryer is dead. We got one for free cause our original dryer died, than the 2nd one we got died, or it was dead on arrival, than my parents boutht a $50 dryer...it lived a little, one night but it screamed(sqeeked VERY HIGH PITCHED SQUEEK!) in agony, than the next day it was dead. Stupid things! My parents didn't even get there $50 bucks out of it. And I have a pile of laundry that I'd like to wash...life! can't live without it!
Last night we had some auditions for the play because one of the girls won't be at the auditions for Sunday. I got to read Jennifer's part and so did all the other girls that were there. Which was 3 beside's me. Jennifer's the one that get's married. It's a longish part...I have trouble some memorizing, it takes me awhile to get something. I'll even switch the phrases around as I'm learning it, not on purpose... If I don't get her I know another part I could try out for, a mother.:) I've always wanted to be a mother...actually I don't know have I...as I've gotten older I've wanted to be one:) We will see won't we.
Tomorrow is the BIG day. We're going to the Battle Cry training conference. Nine of us are meeting at the church at 7am in the morning. Krista and I may spend the night closer or we'll drive up EARLY in the morning.
A bit of advice, when you drive on Browntown road to visit us... be careful especially in the morning and at night when it's dark , that 's when the deer roam. Sorry we don't have antelope. But I could elope...we'll I guess by myself at this point. Actually that'd be running away, but since I'm old enough to leave it'd actually be leaving...and I'm never going to marry myself even if I get really desperate, I heard of a lady that did that. I am rambling.......
Anyways, tonight is Friday night, so Shabbat Shalom ya'll! Have a good one!
Hmmmm, random thoughts...cept I have a few planned. I like color. I am visual. I am cold here in the basement.
Our dryer is dead. We got one for free cause our original dryer died, than the 2nd one we got died, or it was dead on arrival, than my parents boutht a $50 dryer...it lived a little, one night but it screamed(sqeeked VERY HIGH PITCHED SQUEEK!) in agony, than the next day it was dead. Stupid things! My parents didn't even get there $50 bucks out of it. And I have a pile of laundry that I'd like to wash...life! can't live without it!
Last night we had some auditions for the play because one of the girls won't be at the auditions for Sunday. I got to read Jennifer's part and so did all the other girls that were there. Which was 3 beside's me. Jennifer's the one that get's married. It's a longish part...I have trouble some memorizing, it takes me awhile to get something. I'll even switch the phrases around as I'm learning it, not on purpose... If I don't get her I know another part I could try out for, a mother.:) I've always wanted to be a mother...actually I don't know have I...as I've gotten older I've wanted to be one:) We will see won't we.
Tomorrow is the BIG day. We're going to the Battle Cry training conference. Nine of us are meeting at the church at 7am in the morning. Krista and I may spend the night closer or we'll drive up EARLY in the morning.
A bit of advice, when you drive on Browntown road to visit us... be careful especially in the morning and at night when it's dark , that 's when the deer roam. Sorry we don't have antelope. But I could elope...we'll I guess by myself at this point. Actually that'd be running away, but since I'm old enough to leave it'd actually be leaving...and I'm never going to marry myself even if I get really desperate, I heard of a lady that did that. I am rambling.......
Anyways, tonight is Friday night, so Shabbat Shalom ya'll! Have a good one!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Of Mice and (Wo)Men...
Isn't this cool that we can get onto this amazing technological machine and write posts on our blog. It's like virtual newspapers. And it doesn't cost a cent! That is sooo cool. And it's such a great way to keep in contact with alot of people. I'm glad to be part of this "family" of bloggers...we have our own little community!
Thanks everyone who commented recently and your encouragment and words of affirmation. Blessed my little heart. One of my love languages is "quality conversation"...also I feel loved to an extent if what I'm "saying" is being "listened" to, and if I'm getting feedback from the other person that they are listening.
My dad gets frustrated sometimes cause I want him to respond and as himself, he knows he's listening but doesn't see the need or sense the need as I do to respond.
Part of it's my personality.
We have alot of mice, or one very busy mouse that we've seen...downstairs in Adam's room, in my room, I saw something streak past me in the computar room once, my mom threw a little fit the other night cause she saw one in her bedroom...oh yeah and I got one! It's gone! The blasted little thing! It's been flushed! The little sucker. Bet he doesn't have the guyts to do that again! That's what he gets for snoopin' in my room. Ahhh(she breathed with flashing eyes.)
The other night I woke up like 6 in the morning cause of a dream and I heard alot of littleish noises in my room. Sounded like a mouse was rolling nuts or acorns around or something. It was kinda fake sounding...if you know what I mean, like it should've been sound effects for a movie about mice. I ended up sleeping upstairs until it got light outside... than when my mom got up I moved downstairs.
This is a rhetorical question...(that you can answer if you want), but do you guys/girls (same differnce) get people "match making" you?! Especially women..."match makers"-I've had like 3ish women do that to me in the last 2 months. It's funny, 2 of them made me laugh. One did it and was like, so and so's been praying for a wife....and I don't want alot of people to know, I asked her, "Why did you tell me?" and she didn't even answer my question, it was like she didn't even hear it, hmmm...
They are soooo funny!
I know this is a really random post. But that's who I am. Keep it lively, keep it moving...cept sometimes I get bogged down, like in details. Because I'm detail oriented...until I get bored with the details.
This weekend I'm going with my youth leader and youth in my church who are leaders with the youth or could be. (Hey we all are leaders in our own ways...) We're going to a big training rally called "Battle Cry" put on by Teen Mania. It will equip us with info to deal with specific issues our generation deals with, or doesn't deal with. The rally is actually for youth leaders.../adults but Briana, our youth leader wanted some of the youth from our church to go. They really are the ones that may need it more than us "old" people because they are with the teens in school all the time and alot of us old people aren't.
We're leaving Berryville at like 7 am Saturday morning, so either Krista and I will spend Friday night at a friend's that lives closer or we'll travel up early Sat. morning and leave like 6 ish, or some after 6. The rally ends I believe at 5pm...it's being held close to DC. Than after we'll prob go out to dinner, maybe at Chipotle than go back to Briana's and pray for teens...etc.
Briana is in the midst of writing the CHristmas play. This is her last week. The play has a birth, a death, a marriage, Christmas, school, home, a coffee shop in it, even a hospital emergency room scene...cause of a broken bone, oh yeah and a cross country race...I think the race will actually take place in the auditoriam...will be interesting to see how it works out! Basically it's like real life, the scenarios are. It's actually based on a true story that happened when Briana was in High School.
I finished reading "Rilla of Ingleside" the last book in the Anne of Green Gables books. It was good. If you haven't read that series I suggest you do. The last book actually made me cry I think more than once. I'm a cryer, in movies and books.:) For heaven's sake, I've even gotten goosebumps during commercials! Part of my personality is that "I AM A FEELER!" If you don't understand what I mean read a personality book.
Oh yeah, so now I'm in a different type of genre of book, it's "All Things Bright and Beautiful." I'm enjoying it. Definatley different than what I've been reading alot lately. It's about a vet in England. I believe it's based on the life of the author, James Herriot.
I'm also reading a book by Joyce Meyer called, Beauty to Ashes. Which is about emotional healing. We're doing it as a girl's bible study on Thursday nights. It's a really good book.
Last night I read a chapter all about God's unconditional love for me. One thing they said was for me to say to myself throughout the day that "God loves me."
The chapter was kinda like sometimes when I read the Bible, it was just good truth. Plus in the chapter there was alot of scripture. Does it ever seem like when you read the Bible it's new and fresh... there's just alot of clarity as you take in the scripture? Make sense?
Oh, and on Sunday, is the auditions for the play. It's up to God which part I'm getting. There's alot of parts so most likely I will get a part. I'm definatly(how do you spell that word?) helping with set. There's even singing auditions. Because on top of all the above listed scenarios, the play is a musical! Come on down and see it! I'll probably sing part of "Amazing Grace" acapella. I can sing, not always one of the strongest singers though. I can sing lower notes louder. I really enjoy music, once when I was a kid I got this "Wee Sing Silly Songs" tape or something like that out of the library and I sat at the Kitchen table and played it. I sang through the whole tape in one sitting with the words on the little paper insert:)
Music and singing's in my blood! "I have indians in my bloodsteam."(i.j.=inside joke)
It's only 11:41.
I put my application into the Warren County Public Schools offices on Friday...we'll see if I get a job through them. I kinda hope so. I need to do something... I want to do something that counts. I'd like to work in the school system...I think...yeah I would, cept it's scary. Man!
I haven't been in school for over 5 years. Please pray for me about getting a job. It's hard to know where to look...for 'em.
Sunday we're having an "open floor" meeting. Anyone can give a testimony, of thanks for what God's done in their life. We'll see if I say anything. I might. It's scary testifying...remember Feast meetings when we were in Bible School...
Can you believe next week is Thanksgiving! Woosers! Adam's comin' home yeah! It will be good to have him home for awhile. I love my brother and I respect him:)
I think I'll wind down soon. This blog was kinda like what, maybe I'd talk about to a friend, and sometimes I do skip around and talk about alot of different things...at least I'd do that when I was younger. Do I do that now?
Good night all. Sweet dreams...I'm thankful for ya'll, this blogging business has warmed up my relationships with alot of you guys. You bloggers out there in cyperspace. You're my neighbors guys:) maybe I should say, my blogger fam...how bout my e-fam! I'm being sappy for those of you who have a hard time being that way. It comes easy for me! Remember I am a FEELER!:))
Thanks everyone who commented recently and your encouragment and words of affirmation. Blessed my little heart. One of my love languages is "quality conversation"...also I feel loved to an extent if what I'm "saying" is being "listened" to, and if I'm getting feedback from the other person that they are listening.
My dad gets frustrated sometimes cause I want him to respond and as himself, he knows he's listening but doesn't see the need or sense the need as I do to respond.
Part of it's my personality.
We have alot of mice, or one very busy mouse that we've seen...downstairs in Adam's room, in my room, I saw something streak past me in the computar room once, my mom threw a little fit the other night cause she saw one in her bedroom...oh yeah and I got one! It's gone! The blasted little thing! It's been flushed! The little sucker. Bet he doesn't have the guyts to do that again! That's what he gets for snoopin' in my room. Ahhh(she breathed with flashing eyes.)
The other night I woke up like 6 in the morning cause of a dream and I heard alot of littleish noises in my room. Sounded like a mouse was rolling nuts or acorns around or something. It was kinda fake sounding...if you know what I mean, like it should've been sound effects for a movie about mice. I ended up sleeping upstairs until it got light outside... than when my mom got up I moved downstairs.
This is a rhetorical question...(that you can answer if you want), but do you guys/girls (same differnce) get people "match making" you?! Especially women..."match makers"-I've had like 3ish women do that to me in the last 2 months. It's funny, 2 of them made me laugh. One did it and was like, so and so's been praying for a wife....and I don't want alot of people to know, I asked her, "Why did you tell me?" and she didn't even answer my question, it was like she didn't even hear it, hmmm...
They are soooo funny!
I know this is a really random post. But that's who I am. Keep it lively, keep it moving...cept sometimes I get bogged down, like in details. Because I'm detail oriented...until I get bored with the details.
This weekend I'm going with my youth leader and youth in my church who are leaders with the youth or could be. (Hey we all are leaders in our own ways...) We're going to a big training rally called "Battle Cry" put on by Teen Mania. It will equip us with info to deal with specific issues our generation deals with, or doesn't deal with. The rally is actually for youth leaders.../adults but Briana, our youth leader wanted some of the youth from our church to go. They really are the ones that may need it more than us "old" people because they are with the teens in school all the time and alot of us old people aren't.
We're leaving Berryville at like 7 am Saturday morning, so either Krista and I will spend Friday night at a friend's that lives closer or we'll travel up early Sat. morning and leave like 6 ish, or some after 6. The rally ends I believe at 5pm...it's being held close to DC. Than after we'll prob go out to dinner, maybe at Chipotle than go back to Briana's and pray for teens...etc.
Briana is in the midst of writing the CHristmas play. This is her last week. The play has a birth, a death, a marriage, Christmas, school, home, a coffee shop in it, even a hospital emergency room scene...cause of a broken bone, oh yeah and a cross country race...I think the race will actually take place in the auditoriam...will be interesting to see how it works out! Basically it's like real life, the scenarios are. It's actually based on a true story that happened when Briana was in High School.
I finished reading "Rilla of Ingleside" the last book in the Anne of Green Gables books. It was good. If you haven't read that series I suggest you do. The last book actually made me cry I think more than once. I'm a cryer, in movies and books.:) For heaven's sake, I've even gotten goosebumps during commercials! Part of my personality is that "I AM A FEELER!" If you don't understand what I mean read a personality book.
Oh yeah, so now I'm in a different type of genre of book, it's "All Things Bright and Beautiful." I'm enjoying it. Definatley different than what I've been reading alot lately. It's about a vet in England. I believe it's based on the life of the author, James Herriot.
I'm also reading a book by Joyce Meyer called, Beauty to Ashes. Which is about emotional healing. We're doing it as a girl's bible study on Thursday nights. It's a really good book.
Last night I read a chapter all about God's unconditional love for me. One thing they said was for me to say to myself throughout the day that "God loves me."
The chapter was kinda like sometimes when I read the Bible, it was just good truth. Plus in the chapter there was alot of scripture. Does it ever seem like when you read the Bible it's new and fresh... there's just alot of clarity as you take in the scripture? Make sense?
Oh, and on Sunday, is the auditions for the play. It's up to God which part I'm getting. There's alot of parts so most likely I will get a part. I'm definatly(how do you spell that word?) helping with set. There's even singing auditions. Because on top of all the above listed scenarios, the play is a musical! Come on down and see it! I'll probably sing part of "Amazing Grace" acapella. I can sing, not always one of the strongest singers though. I can sing lower notes louder. I really enjoy music, once when I was a kid I got this "Wee Sing Silly Songs" tape or something like that out of the library and I sat at the Kitchen table and played it. I sang through the whole tape in one sitting with the words on the little paper insert:)
Music and singing's in my blood! "I have indians in my bloodsteam."(i.j.=inside joke)
It's only 11:41.
I put my application into the Warren County Public Schools offices on Friday...we'll see if I get a job through them. I kinda hope so. I need to do something... I want to do something that counts. I'd like to work in the school system...I think...yeah I would, cept it's scary. Man!
I haven't been in school for over 5 years. Please pray for me about getting a job. It's hard to know where to look...for 'em.
Sunday we're having an "open floor" meeting. Anyone can give a testimony, of thanks for what God's done in their life. We'll see if I say anything. I might. It's scary testifying...remember Feast meetings when we were in Bible School...
Can you believe next week is Thanksgiving! Woosers! Adam's comin' home yeah! It will be good to have him home for awhile. I love my brother and I respect him:)
I think I'll wind down soon. This blog was kinda like what, maybe I'd talk about to a friend, and sometimes I do skip around and talk about alot of different things...at least I'd do that when I was younger. Do I do that now?
Good night all. Sweet dreams...I'm thankful for ya'll, this blogging business has warmed up my relationships with alot of you guys. You bloggers out there in cyperspace. You're my neighbors guys:) maybe I should say, my blogger fam...how bout my e-fam! I'm being sappy for those of you who have a hard time being that way. It comes easy for me! Remember I am a FEELER!:))
Monday, November 14, 2005
What's in a Name?
I love meanings of names. Some of our teaching from YWAM was that your destiny is wrapped up in your name. I believe that often that is true.
My first name is:
Marie: literal meaning is myrrh...
which is a bitter herb...when it's cut, it oozes with healing balm and fragrance...
application, when I'm cut...with God's help I'll learn and not be bitter, but the healing I've experienced I can share with others...and one of the ways God's fragrance will be in my life is through the suffering I have experienced...that I've over come or am experiencing as I'm connected to him-as I "ooze" the frangrence of God is spread abroad...something to work toward too.
suggested character quality: living frangrance
middle name:
Angeline: root word-Angel-meaning messenger....I've done that, been on many mission trips...I feel that's part of my calling to share the good news with people...the gospel
suggested character quality: bringer of truth
So I am a Bitter Messenger or should I say, a Fragrant Messenger?
...also my last name, which I will n0t reveal hear means, keeper of the light...and that's one of the ways I think about God, as light...
I'll just list some names and meanings...
Richard: Powerful Ruler
Alan: handsome, cheerful, harmonious one
Matthew: Gift of Jehovah
Patricia: Noble one
Jean: God is Gracious
Now for some random names:
Hugo: Mind
Ida: happy, prosperous
Cicely: Dim sighted
Carson: son of the marshdweller
Buford: a shallow stream where oxen cross
Byron: Bear
Abiane: Grace of God (cool!)
Adolf: noble wolf
Nadine: Hope
Luverne: springlike
If any of you out there want me to "translate" your name let me know, drop me a line. Can't promise though...that I can...I'll see if I can find it.
One of our favorite people's names and the meaning:
Jesus: Saviour; Healer
suggested character quality: God is savior
life verse: Psalm 111:10
Remember to walk in the truth of who you are, and the blueprint-your name, that God has given you in your life. If your name doesn't have much "meaning" you and God can think up something that applies.
Just as a side note, in Isreal alot of the Jewish people had very definate meanings to their names...met one guy his name was Chaim, which is the hebrew word for life....pretty cool huh:)
My first name is:
Marie: literal meaning is myrrh...
which is a bitter herb...when it's cut, it oozes with healing balm and fragrance...
application, when I'm cut...with God's help I'll learn and not be bitter, but the healing I've experienced I can share with others...and one of the ways God's fragrance will be in my life is through the suffering I have experienced...that I've over come or am experiencing as I'm connected to him-as I "ooze" the frangrence of God is spread abroad...something to work toward too.
suggested character quality: living frangrance
middle name:
Angeline: root word-Angel-meaning messenger....I've done that, been on many mission trips...I feel that's part of my calling to share the good news with people...the gospel
suggested character quality: bringer of truth
So I am a Bitter Messenger or should I say, a Fragrant Messenger?
...also my last name, which I will n0t reveal hear means, keeper of the light...and that's one of the ways I think about God, as light...
I'll just list some names and meanings...
Richard: Powerful Ruler
Alan: handsome, cheerful, harmonious one
Matthew: Gift of Jehovah
Patricia: Noble one
Jean: God is Gracious
Now for some random names:
Hugo: Mind
Ida: happy, prosperous
Cicely: Dim sighted
Carson: son of the marshdweller
Buford: a shallow stream where oxen cross
Byron: Bear
Abiane: Grace of God (cool!)
Adolf: noble wolf
Nadine: Hope
Luverne: springlike
If any of you out there want me to "translate" your name let me know, drop me a line. Can't promise though...that I can...I'll see if I can find it.
One of our favorite people's names and the meaning:
Jesus: Saviour; Healer
suggested character quality: God is savior
life verse: Psalm 111:10
Remember to walk in the truth of who you are, and the blueprint-your name, that God has given you in your life. If your name doesn't have much "meaning" you and God can think up something that applies.
Just as a side note, in Isreal alot of the Jewish people had very definate meanings to their names...met one guy his name was Chaim, which is the hebrew word for life....pretty cool huh:)
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Goin' to the chapel of love....;)

I want to write something people want to read. I go and look at everyone else's blogs and they have like 12 comments...and 14 or something and I go and look at my blog and I have 2, and 2 ...and oh- goody 7 at most...:( Is it because my blogs tend to be long?
I'll try to write something today that warrents more comments...
Well, something that may be worthy blog material is a part in the play that my youth leader is writing. Ok, let me lay the foundation...there's this 20 something Drama teacher/youth leader, single christian...named Jennifer. Than there's this guy, Joshua, single christian also and he helps a band out...in some sort of leadership role.
One night they are at a coffee house helping to host it...mcing. Joshua and Jennifer are working with the different acts ,up on stafe. Jennifer goes to do something, Joshua doesn't see her and bumps into her. Oops, he bumped her, causing her to fall off the stage! Lo and behold she broke her ankle...she heard it crack! Obviously it's Joshua's fault. He ends up taking her to the emergency room, and they have to wait there for hours-together, ohhhhhh...
That's where their relationship starts....guess what happens, yup they eventually get married, IN THE PLAY! Interesting huh. One of the reasons the lady writing the play puts their story in, is because they are the epitomy of purity before and during their courtship relationship.
Sure I'd be interested in being Jennifer...(ya'll's probably rolling your eyes...and saying "of course she would!")
Hey I may get married after all, even if it's only on stage! Silly me! I know ya'll who knew my reputation at Bible School will get a kick out of this. I'll keep you updated...We don't know yet who's getting what role in the play, so I mayn't get married, at least yet....
I was thinking about making the title of this blog, "I might be getting married!" I think it would've caused a stir...but I may only be "getting married" in the play! Huh!
Monday, November 07, 2005
The Land of the FREE!
Today is Monday afternoon, good afternoon. Tomorrow I work the polls. It's kinda a sorry thing that I won't be able to vote, because I'll be at a polling station that's not my place to vote. I was suppose to file an absentee ballot, but I forgot....ekkks. Well I can pray for the Republican guy...maybe that will be worth more than my vote:) Yes I am a Republican and I'm proud of it! I am ultra conservative! Yeaha! Pro life, pro man woman Marriage, Pro Bushy... pro freedom of Religion ...and that includes for Christians...which people often forget!
Workin' the polls will be a looooooonnnng day. I have to be at Reesey Jeffries elementary school between 5:00-5:15 am! The day finally ends at 7/8 o'clock in the evening, but! I get paid for it! A friend of mine, Christina, is most likely going to work the polls with me too. So I get a day of work, that pays pretty good!
I am at a standstill about what to write... Krista and I finished watching the long version of Pride and Prujudice yesterday. I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the new one coming out:)
Yesterday at Youth Group we had a Youth pastor from another church, Jamie, come and talk to us about Christian clubs in Public High Schools. It was really good. He knows about the laws and how the laws do protect Christian youth who start a club in school. He's willing to educated people in the school system about Christian youth's rights. Teachers are scared about it, about giving Christian youth freedom of speech basically...interesting huh... When the club meets they are allowed to invite anyone to speak, even christian teachers in the school... and they, the teachers can preach the gospel in school, in that setting... and not be afraid of the law or officials coming down on them! Because we do have the RIGHT! Yeah! I'm fired up:)
So he was here to tell us that the Christian youth do have the freedom and protection of law! Even to put on Big youth rallies in school auditoriams(sp?)! You do have to work within the framework of the schools schedules etc... Sometime after I was like I'd kinda like to be in High school now...cept when I was in high school I wasn't as comfortable with who I am as I am now- I'd say. High school was kinda painful, actually my school carreer was kinda painful... Well I've been out (sounds like out of prison or something...huh?) since 2000! Close to 5 and a halfish years. Wow! That is crazy.
My Youth Leader is working on the Christmas Play. She's writing the whole thing! It's going to be a modern day story that is taken from real life...except she's changing some things.
It's about a Christian Girl who starts "missionary" dating and ends up in a serious relationship, she shouldn't have been in, in the first place...she gets pregnant and is faced with the decision-what in the world do I do now? It's a story of redemption... If you want to know more about it, you will have to come and see it!
I'm planning on doing alot with the set. We'll see. Last year my dad and another young lady and myself did alot of work on the set...with alot of help. We did a Daily Grind (which is a local coffee shop fanchiees around here) scene, a desert dune scene, in Jerusalem Streets scene... there was a classroom scene, a living room scene... inside Mary and Joseph's house scene...maybe that's about it...it was lots of work.
Krista wants to be in the play, this year. At first she didn't want to, cause she has alot on her plate already, but since she heard the story line she wants.
Last year because of the play a girl, Jodie found Jesus! She's come regularly to church and has invited a guy she works with to come to church too, and he and his family, wife and kid have been to church a number of times! God uses these things as outreach...it's really awesome:)
I'm not in a very "chatty" mood.:) Still having trouble with posting links if anyone wants to give me in put...:)
The leaves are falling, hence the name "Fall" but the weather has been gorgeous and warm! I should get outside today for a walk!
Shalom ya'll. Drop me a comment, will ya.:)
Workin' the polls will be a looooooonnnng day. I have to be at Reesey Jeffries elementary school between 5:00-5:15 am! The day finally ends at 7/8 o'clock in the evening, but! I get paid for it! A friend of mine, Christina, is most likely going to work the polls with me too. So I get a day of work, that pays pretty good!
I am at a standstill about what to write... Krista and I finished watching the long version of Pride and Prujudice yesterday. I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the new one coming out:)
Yesterday at Youth Group we had a Youth pastor from another church, Jamie, come and talk to us about Christian clubs in Public High Schools. It was really good. He knows about the laws and how the laws do protect Christian youth who start a club in school. He's willing to educated people in the school system about Christian youth's rights. Teachers are scared about it, about giving Christian youth freedom of speech basically...interesting huh... When the club meets they are allowed to invite anyone to speak, even christian teachers in the school... and they, the teachers can preach the gospel in school, in that setting... and not be afraid of the law or officials coming down on them! Because we do have the RIGHT! Yeah! I'm fired up:)
So he was here to tell us that the Christian youth do have the freedom and protection of law! Even to put on Big youth rallies in school auditoriams(sp?)! You do have to work within the framework of the schools schedules etc... Sometime after I was like I'd kinda like to be in High school now...cept when I was in high school I wasn't as comfortable with who I am as I am now- I'd say. High school was kinda painful, actually my school carreer was kinda painful... Well I've been out (sounds like out of prison or something...huh?) since 2000! Close to 5 and a halfish years. Wow! That is crazy.
My Youth Leader is working on the Christmas Play. She's writing the whole thing! It's going to be a modern day story that is taken from real life...except she's changing some things.
It's about a Christian Girl who starts "missionary" dating and ends up in a serious relationship, she shouldn't have been in, in the first place...she gets pregnant and is faced with the decision-what in the world do I do now? It's a story of redemption... If you want to know more about it, you will have to come and see it!
I'm planning on doing alot with the set. We'll see. Last year my dad and another young lady and myself did alot of work on the set...with alot of help. We did a Daily Grind (which is a local coffee shop fanchiees around here) scene, a desert dune scene, in Jerusalem Streets scene... there was a classroom scene, a living room scene... inside Mary and Joseph's house scene...maybe that's about it...it was lots of work.
Krista wants to be in the play, this year. At first she didn't want to, cause she has alot on her plate already, but since she heard the story line she wants.
Last year because of the play a girl, Jodie found Jesus! She's come regularly to church and has invited a guy she works with to come to church too, and he and his family, wife and kid have been to church a number of times! God uses these things as outreach...it's really awesome:)
I'm not in a very "chatty" mood.:) Still having trouble with posting links if anyone wants to give me in put...:)
The leaves are falling, hence the name "Fall" but the weather has been gorgeous and warm! I should get outside today for a walk!
Shalom ya'll. Drop me a comment, will ya.:)
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Ahhhh! THE FRUSTRATION OF IT ALL!-Drivin' me crazy!
Calling all computar nerds out there. I am having the HARDEST time adding links via my template...for the links in my blog sidebar. Know what I'm saying? I type in the links just as the other ones are typed in, but these new links won't show up and I just don't know why! I even "republish" the blog...save changes...I just don't know what's up....?:/
If anyone has any thoughts please let me know...
If anyone has any thoughts please let me know...
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